Pool Cleaners,
Ok, let's look at your options!

I hear you, who has the time to sit there and manually vacuum a pool. Below are the different types of pool cleaners we can offer you. I list the attributes of each to help you decide what is best for your needs. Once we know the type of cleaner you like, we can look at the type and size of pool you have. Please select the cleaner option below that appeals most to you.

Pool Cleaners,
Ok, let's look at your options!

I hear you, who has the time to sit there and manually vacuum a pool. Below are the different types of pool cleaners we can offer you. I list the attributes of each to help you decide what is best for your needs. Once we know the type of cleaner you like, we can look at the type and size of pool you have. Please select the cleaner option below that appeals most to you.

Robotic Cleaners

  • Automates cleaning the pool
  • Don't need to be attached to your swimming pool's pump
  • Independent and has it's on debris canister, own onboard pump and filter
  • computer chips to facilitate different programming modes
  • conveniently adapt the cleaner to the specifics of your pool
  • great at increasing the circulation of water by using their own filtration system
  • Several models can be controlled by smart phone

  • relies exclusively on your pool's pump
  • long hose that will connect to the skimmer
  • clean out the skimmer basket and backwash filter after each use
  • need to be manually hooked up every time you use the cleaner
  • cleans pool on a predetermined pattern.